Adult Fellowship Circles

We provide a wide range of opportunities for adults to connect and grow

with your church family and community.   Build relationships, partner with

others to follow Jesus.  Have fun with others as you grow in your faith.

‘And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.’

Hebrews 10:24-25 

What do we offer?

Coffee With The Clergy

Bible Studies


Fellowship Outreach

Coffee with the Clergy

Got a burning question for your rector or associate rector?  Join us at 9:30am in Fr. Ron's office for a Q&A session.  Get ready to dive deep with your clergy!  (This is our Adult Sunday School.)

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Bible Studies

Throughout the year we offer a variety of Bible Studies to enrich your mind and broaden your knowledge of the word. 

This fall we are offering Morning Fire of Friday mornings at the church.  We also offer a Zoom Bible study on Luke beginning in December. 


We meet once a month for some social outings to build relationships off the church campus.  Come explore with us!

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Fellowship Outreach

Join us as we combine our parish family with the community as we strive to build bonds across lives.

Contact us any time for more info

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