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We are so excited to welcome everyone to the VBS at SPBTL this year.
As always, VBS is available from nursery age to adult, so everyone is welcome.
We hope you will enjoy CAMP FIRELIGHT: A Summer Camp Adventure with God.
Vacation Bible School runs from July 15-18, 2024. On July 15, 16, & 17 there will be a standard program night. Children can be dropped off no earlier than 5:45pm each evening. Dinner will start at 6:00pm each night. Anyone attending under the age of 16 must be signed in/out by a parent/guardian each night. Pick-up will be at 8:30pm.
The final day of VBS, July 18, will be a family fun night. SPBTL invites families of our campers out for dinner, to have some fun with our activities on the front lawn, and to enjoy some sweet treats. There will be no check-in/check-out on this night since family will be staying with their campers. If you have any questions, please email
Adult Registration Form:
Camper Registration Form (18 & Under):